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My Perspective about Love

self-improvement self-love

This is gonna be a pretty short article, since I wanna express myself in something really interesting I’ve been relearning once I found my deep purpose/eternity path. This interesting stuff is called love.

Love is such a confusing and huge term and it can be defined in multiple ways. Some people say that love is a form of caring expression to their partner, some people define love as a form to stalk a person you like, or maybe there are people that don’t believe or don’t care too much in love. I mean, world can define love in multiple ways and that’s ok. Why? Because actually, there isn’t a properly standarized definition for the word “love”. Richard Schwartz, a professor of psychiatry at HMS (Harvard Medical School) says that “It’s fairly complex, and we only know a little about it”, refering to love. “There are different phases and moods of love. The early phase of love is quite different”.

This means that your brain is actually leveling from normal to huge amount of hormones during first stages of love. Then, it will depend for each people if these hormones are regulated or not. This is why usually people feel so much downed in a breakup because the level of dopamine is actually very low. Now, I discovered that love is not just closed to a relationship with someone, but is also has a relation with yourself, with your daily activities and with things you care. Let me explain.

Back in the day, I was in a relationship (I’m not gonna explain details about it for our privacy) and I was so happy, It felt really good because it was something new for me, I was not in a relationship before. What happened? Well, we broke up and I was kinda low but not as low as I was passed a couple of months. I was not low because I hadn´t a proper sentence to define love for me. That means I felt quite nothing until I was being nostalgic what I lived before with her. I was actually not taking care of myself because of it.

Did you see that? I said “I was actually not taking care of myself…”. What I’m trying to say with this? I’m saying that you cannot build a strong definition of love if you cannot deal with the process of finding a proper definition based on what you grew and what you learnt (relearnt In my case since I had to relearn everything). What I discovered is something really interesting and I defined it as “dimensional love”.

Maybe you have a similar definition of it, maybe with a couple different things, who knows?. Every being has it’s own way to define such a unique word. Dimensional love is the love I have now in my purpose/eternity, Dimensional love is the way I express love for people I care, for special things I care, for projects I’ve been working on and for myself. Every point is important, it constructs a solid bubble with different subthreads.

Dimensional love for me is a cold love. It has feelings but it does not depend on them. I make solid decisions with a cold mind based on the dimensional love I’m constructing. It’s like a deep love, that cannot be expressed only with long-time hugs or cuddling with someone or maybe buying a lot of things. It’s something more than that. To explain it better, I’ll give y’all some examples:

  1. Your parents are supporting you in a competition. You don’t know what to do in it but you know your parents are supporting you. Yesss, you did well. What’s next? The following day you got into an intense argument with your parents because of something you forgot to do. Mhm, maybe you have that option to fight them back right? Welllll, dimensional love doesn’t agree with that- What dimensional love sees is a calm dude imagining himself that you know how your parents are in this type of situations and you don’t need to overreact about it. Dimensional love sees a peaceful mind. Dimensional love helps to control negative emotions over the being (in my case, dimensional love helped me to overcome my anxiety huge way back on the dayy) In this example, dimensional love will help you not to overreact, to understand them and to act in consequence. You already know that your parents are supporting you no matter what happens. That will embrace a peaceful and also a powerful mind.

  2. You have a special person in your life (or maybe a crush) but you notice that person not respoding your texts in the what you are expecting to. THis pattern of answering is happening for days and even months. You don’t know what to do, you feel kinda anxious. Also, you asked that person what was going on WITHOUT evidencing any rude behavior from that person (Something like, “why are you not responding my messages?”, more like “Hey, it’s everything alright?”) and there’s no proper answer to that and always there are indirects or non-sense words. You may be thinking “Should I stalk him/ner?”, “What happens if she/he finds a new partner?”, “What I’m gonna do? :(“. There’s a lot of thoughts don’t you? Well, I said dimensional love is a cold love. It takes away those thoughts to fit the new ones. You don’t know the reason why that person is not answering you. But you also know that you cannot control his/her actions or thoughts as well. You will ask that person if it’s everything alright and no matter what happends you will continue supporting him/her. Once you’ve done that, you keep in your mind that you are your first priority and if he/she doesn’t respond the answer you were expecting, you will wait because you already know that person knows what it’s doing for his/her best and that’s ok from you, you’re happy with it. But until now, you got goals in mind. Dimensional love will tell you that you care that person a lot, but you also care youself and for your peaceful mindset, you will end up forgeting that situation by distrating yourself or doing some pretty awesome challenges. Dimensional love does not promote ego actions as well. It promotes self-love.

  3. You know you are a collector of Xbox’s. Your uncle knows that and he buys you an original Xbox with some original games like Halo 2 or the Simpsons Hit and Run. At the time you found out, you already have more than 30-40 xbox’s and you don’t have enough space to store all of them and also, your bank account is also struggling to get up in a single one piece byt the end of the month, so you decide to sell some of your collection. Hey, remember you have the original one, you may be thinking that you can a good profit of selling it. You can even have the money for 4 or 5 months haha. Wellll, dimensional love is telling you that your uncle knew something you didn’t know: He knew you were collecting Xbox, that it’s an activlity that it helps you to build your passion and also it helps you to conquer your dreams as a collector. And yeah, dimensional love (your sub-conscious love) knows that your uncle knows about it. THat will make you stop from selling that original Xbox and probably, it will become the most special and resistant Xbox of your collection. That’s the most important thing here. Also, you can notice that you really don’t need a lot of Xbox’s to conquer your dreams, you already got your special one so everything’s gonna be alright despite having a lot of Xbox’s or not. You start to take off from you those materialistic thoughts and you start to embrace quality over quantity.

Why I’m trying to tell you guys this? I’m not trying to give you guys a theory class or a course about love. I’m telling what I’ve been relarning these months and days and what I’m still relearning. Back in the day I used to be so dependant on emotions and feelings. Nowadays I just understand them and I tell them that I need to have a cold mind to take conscious decisions about something that involves with love. As I said, dimensional love is a cold love. You might be not very familiar with kissing and being very physical while you try to express your emotions to someone. It’s alright, every person has it’s onw unique way to express love. Dimensional love is just a love that conquers a unique way to love the world while you love youself as well. It’s like a middle real energetic point. Doesn’t need to be egocentric but doesn’t need to depends on emotions as well. That’s the important part here.

I hope you guys liked this, I’m looking forward on explaining you guys my Rust journey, I already know what a crate is, how to output “hello world” and stuff, also macros and impl iterators. Soon!! I’m just focusing on improving on myself, giving energy to my projects, my special things and people I love.

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