It's just a thought
February 2025
It’s just a thought.
Whatever you it’s on your mind, it is just simple, non-real thought. I know, it is something that with some words can’t be understood.
Let me explain. The amygdala is complex part of your mind and its function basically to manage your emotions. Your dorsolateral PFC (prefrontal cortex) is responsible for your logical reasoning. The DMN (Default Mode Network) is a network of brain regions that are active when someone is reflecting in a very deep basis. (Me everyday lol). Your hippocampus is responsible of contextualizing fear responses.
It’s just a thought, let it be as one. It is not real.
Complex thoughts are very hard to manage. Plausible thoughts are very hard to accept because inside of them, there is so much non-real logic that captures your attention and it starts a process that will make you think the exact same thought 24/7 without looking out for a solution (which it isn’t one).
You are thinking a lot because your amygdala is very hyper-activated because of any external stimuli (could be the on-going street, YT videos about cats, car crashes, a psycological trauma, etc.). And I’ll let you know something: That’s totally fine. It is not bad having such intrusive thoughts.
Because you have an hyperactivity of the amygdala, your PFC has reduced control. Your HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) is now being triggered and you release cortisol. Cortisol will inhibit your capability of reasoning and you will end up in a loop cycle filled with non-real thoughts and basically, a non-reality paradygma. Your hippocampus will trigger false signs of fear.
Let put it in this way:
bool no_inner_peace = true;
void thought() {
std::string nonreal_thought = "Police are going to trap me I've got no solutionnnn"; // Non-real thought based on what others experienced or what you've seen on social media
if (no_inner_peace) {
while (1) {
return nonreal_thought; // Endless loop
The C++ code above represents an endless loop all being caused by a false inner peace. When I’m refering an inner peace, I’m refering to the capability of accepting thoughts withough rejecting them. Try compiling this code if you are interested.
Because ur inner peace is non-existent, you will trigger that cycle inconsciously (represented in the code).
Now, what’s next? You gotta break that cycle with something. There’s no need to change your inner peace drastically but instead, try giving yourself some space to meditate to find it (not to change it). I’ll give you 10 seconds to meditate and when that finishes, you will discover how amazing you are for controlling your mind and actions.
bool no_inner_peace = true;
int meditation = 0;
void thought() {
std::string nonreal_thought = "Police are going to trap me I've got no solutionnnn"; // Non-real thought based on what others experienced or what you've seen on social media
if (no_inner_peace) {
while (1) {
return nonreal_thought; // Endless loop
if (meditation == 10) {
You are amazing, capable of doing anything. Controlling and accepting your mind and yourself will let you perform different on what the society expects from you.
You have your own value, your sentimental things, your projects, etc.., nobody can take you all that away, not because you can control other people’s actions (which u can’t) but because you learn how to react to them. Nobody is above you, neither the goverments, the cops, the companies, the external stimuli, etc. You got ur own value. Don’t show it to people, show it to yourself. That’s a fact
That mental pattern that is inside of you is non-existent. Break that pattern by practising self-acceptation.
We all know these thoughts are mostly caused cause the human mind is designed with a survival mechanism. Welll, try to revert this by not thinking but acting. (Yes, meditation and a good sleep are actions)
I’ve reflecting so much on this. A proper inner peace and self-acception led me to formulate 4 basic Thought-Based Psycho-neurological Laws
Our naturalness defines us, some good things happen naturally to us and from us. That will not be changed by ourselves even if we want to. Because of that, now you have the ability to defend yourself from everyone. No one is above you
The only thing you can control is your reaction to the world. That might be a different reaction expected from others. In spanish we have a quote: ‘No puedo controlar el viento pero si las velas’ which translated would be: ‘I can’t control the wind but I can control the sails’.
Because of something I can’t explain right now cuz of it’s complexity, there’s is a chance to modify external things with ur self-energy. It is not caused by magic (obviously) but I have some inspiration to write this when I heard the 7 mental laws by Brian Tracy, such nice guy.
Accept your thoughts, no matter what hard, plausible, logic, non-logic, big small, dumb or real they feel. They are being cause of external stimuli, and that stimuli is not your reality. Your reality is different. You are great, you are awesome.
These laws apply to any concept or context. That is inexorable. As I am writing this, I am telling all of this to myself, as a reminder
Whatever is on your mind, let it live on it. Don’t push it away or (the opposite) look out for a solution for that specific thought.
Be kind to yourself. ♥